Join us in the…
Birth Education Library
for aspiring and practicing birth professionals
Growing as a birth professional can be fun and challenging.
You’ve got a burning passion … but you need to learn and practice skills, keep up on your knowledge, and go deeper into understanding the science and heart of childbearing.
That’s where educational resources come to the rescue.
You can learn at your own pace, explore the many perspectives and variations of birth, and feel the birth professional love in my new membership library!
In the library, you’ll find the basics and the advanced stuff, created and curated to meet the specific needs of doulas and aspiring midwives.

You’ll find the following categories in the resource library, as well as some bonus categories that I think will help you to be a well-rounded and sought after birth worker:
Educational Birth Videos
Education for Doulas
Education for Student Midwives
Interviews with Melissa
Interviews with Professionals
Past Masterclasses
The Prenatal Period
Labor and Birth
The Placenta
Challenges and Variations
Bonus Categories:
External Version
Grief and Loss
Global Maternal Health
Natural Remedies
Nutrition and Recipes
Wise Woman Wisdom

One of the very best things about my resource library is that almost all the birth videos are of my own clients who have given permission to my members to view their videos.
These videos are unedited and raw, and illustrative of variations that you might not see in years of practice. We’ve got VBAC videos, shoulder dystocia videos, birth in various pushing positions, parents catching their own babies, mamas using the rope and rebozos and the ladder, postpartum baths, and even mamas delivering their own placentas.
This section is a highlight for me, and when a mama gives permission for me to post her video for my members, I get so excited knowing I get to share those sacred moments with you.
As a member, in addition to all the fantastic video and print resources, you’ll also get:
Free admission to all my masterclasses (some examples of our past classes that you will have access to include, “Three Ways to Bring Together Vaginal Tissues,” “Supporting Clients through Prolonged Labors,” and “Postpartum Soup Cooking Class”.
Invites to all live Zoom interviews with professionals (some of our past guests include Dr Stu of the Birthing Instincts Podcast, Dr. Nathan Riley the Holistic OB, and Neinke Stoop, a doctor from Amsterdam specializing in Heart Coherence).
Discounts to all online classes and in-person workshops that I teach.

Are you ready to grow as a birth professional?
Join us in the Membership Library!