Midwifery Care that Bridges the Sacred & the Scientific
In Provo & Utah County
Welcome — I’m Melissa, a licensed midwife in Utah County, Utah

My midwifery care has evolved over the years, moving from a more by-the-book midwifery to more of a traditional midwife. I appreciate the modern tools we have to help us better care for our clients, but I also honor the messages that the mother’s body and baby give to us.
Sometimes things can become less-than-healthy even in an uneventful pregnancy, but I believe that when a woman takes care of herself these situations occur far less often.
I choose to practice now in a way that keeps me highly skilled in recognizing and managing complications, but ultimately puts trust in the woman and her ability to give birth without me interfering with unnecessary interventions and exams.
You would be a good fit for my midwifery care if you align with the following…
My diet is really good and I’m willing to take supplements and to consider suggestions from my midwife to incorporate even better nutrition into my pregnancy. (If your diet isn’t very good, but you’re willing to work hard on eating better, answer yes to this question).
I plan to prepare for the upcoming birth by doing one or more of the following: reading books, taking classes, hiring a doula (or using one of our free volunteer doulas).
I regularly engage in several of the following activities: spending time outside (even if it’s cold), taking quiet meditation time, walking barefoot, spending time with family and friends, gardening, creating, crafting, hobbies, etc. (If you don’t do this but are willing to, answer yes).
If I work at a job in addition to my work at home, I recognize that I may need more time off to rest toward the end of my pregnancy than I had originally planned. I will listen to my body and plan accordingly.
I move my body everyday and understand that regular movement is imperative for helping me to have a healthy pregnancy and often even an easier labor. (If you don’t currently do this but are willing to, answer yes to this question).
I daily engage in some form of spiritual practice (ie: breathwork, yoga, walking meditation, prayer, journaling, etc.) in order to help me get better and better at easily tapping into my inner strength and divinity. (If you don’t currently do this but are willing to, answer yes to this question).
I already plan to, or am willing to, make a postpartum plan that includes either hiring a postpartum doula, using a volunteer postpartum doula, or finding family and friends to help for several weeks, as well as making a postpartum plan for meals, household chores, and other things to be covered for an extended period of time.
I can respect that my midwife has a family and life of her own outside of midwifery and that while I’m one of her priorities and she loves this work, she also has other responsibilities to her mental and physical health, and that of her family. I will only contact her between the hours of 9am and 5pm M-F, unless it is an emergency or I am in labor, and will try to save my questions for our prenatal visits.
This may sound like a lot of work and responsibility, but having a baby out of hospital isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. I also feel that encouraging and supporting these things makes me a better midwife and keeps you and your baby as healthy as possible.
If you align with these ideas and values, please get in touch with me! I’d love to work with you.

Midwifery Care with Melissa Chappell, LDEM, CPM
Investment: $6,500
Care includes the following:
Prenatal care for low-risk pregnancies*
Lab work + processing: OB panel, CBC, GTT screen, GBS screen, platelet count, hematocrit & hemoglobin, urine & vaginal cultures, etc. (I don’t make anything mandatory and always get full informed consent before proceeding with anything.)
20 week ultrasound with our ultrasound tech
Fetal heart checks
Vitals checks (blood pressure, pulse, temperature)
Fetal positioning checks
Uterine measurement & palpation
Nutrition counseling
Mindfulness counseling
Childbirth education
Listening & lots time for conversation about birth as well as life in order to build trust and connection with one another
Labor & birth care:
Attending you in labor & throughout the duration of your birth and immediate postpartum period. This cost includes the entire birth team (me, one advanced student or junior midwife, and one or two birth assistants)
Postpartum care for both mother and baby:
24 hour home visit
newborn screenings
2-week clinic visit
6-week clinic visit
additional visits as needed
Fee also includes:
free birth doula if you want one and cannot afford one
postpartum bath with herbs and flowers
cord burning (optional)
6 hours of postpartum doula care by a certified postpartum doula
1 to 2 in-home postpartum lactation visits from a lactation specialist if needed
postpartum womb massage at your 2 week postpartum visit
postpartum foot bath and massage at your 4 week postpartum visit
closing of the bones ceremony at your 6 week postpartum visit
(the above are all optional, you are not required to use these extras)
Extra services not included in fee:
birth tub is not included if you are having a waterbirth at home and don’t have a tub that will work
*There are many conditions of pregnancy that people believe preclude them from an out of hospital birth. This is sometimes the case and sometimes not. If you are a generally healthy person who doesn’t have anything such as cancer or lung or heart disease or severe blood clotting issues, you are likely a candidate. I also accept and have a special place in my heart for VBAC mamas and work with them regularly. If you aren’t sure you’re a candidate, please reach out.
A $1000 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of hire. Payment plans for this and the rest of the fee are available. I don’t accept insurance or medicaid but some insurances will cover a portion of your bill with a reimbursement check to you after your care is complete. Additionally, some health shares such as Christian Health Share Ministries will cover all but $1000 of your bill if you get sign up with them approximately 30 days or more before becoming pregnant. Lastly, I do accept HSA.

Well-Woman Care Services
Reach out for pricing information
Physical exams
Pap smears
Physical and emotional health counseling, including:
Screening for out of hospital birth counseling
Limited lab work
IUD removal
Mindfulness practice
Guided Meditation Walks
Are you ready to plan the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum that your heart desires?
Fill out my form below and I’ll be in contact to schedule a consultation.
Note: My client spots each month fill up quickly, so if you want to hire me to be your midwife reach out as soon as you know you’re pregnant!