Confident Woman Sessions Course

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

I created this course just for you — because I believe that you deserve to have the confidence that leads you to your best life.

Sending you lots of love and confidence,

Melissa xo

Let’s Get Started

You’ll want to complete this course over a span of 6 days.
Do one class per day to get the most value out of everything here.

Begin by downloading the workbook below. Print it off, write on it, draw on it…daydream in it. Then start working through each class video(s), one-by-one. At the end you’ll have a better understanding of how to grow your confidence so you can thrive in your work and life.

I believe in you. ♥️


Class One: What is Confidence and Why Do We Want it?

Class Two: How Can Confidence Get You the Life You Desire and Deserve?

Class Three: The Formula for Confidence - Part One

Class Four: The Formula for Confidence - Part Two

Class Five: Setting Up Your Life for Increased Confidence

 Class Six: YOU DID IT!

I hope you feel more confident and now understand how to keep building up that confidence.

If you need more support in this work, I’d love to work with you one-on-one or in a group coaching session. We need more confident women in this world and you matter!